Recently and thanks to one of our customers, we discovered Birba Biscuits feature in a film made by Narciso Ibáñez Serrador in 2006 entitled Blame, which is part of a series of movies called “Films to Keep You Awake”.
In the film, a girl finds a box that she takes with her everywhere and even keeps under her pillow so that no one can take it away from her. She keeps something she does not want anyone to see in this box, which just happens to be an old Birba Camprodon Biscuits box.
In addition and also thanks to our customers, we discovered a while ago that Carlos Ruiz Zafón mentions us in several of his books – The Shadow of the Wind, The Prisoner of Heaven and The Labyrinth of Spirits – in which he refers to Camprodon biscuits and our symbolic tin assorment box.
Below are parts of the texts in which he gives us a mention.
Finally, thanks to everyone for your comments; we are especially excited when you recognise Birba anywhere.